The winner of Giveaway number 16
a copy of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Congrats! I loved your response to the question too :)
Today up for grabs is:

Serving Crazy with Curry by Amulya Malladi
A couple weeks ago, I stumbled onto the Colourful Chick Lit challenge on Goodreads. Man, am I glad I did. I've been to Black Atlanta, and the Philippines, and SERVING CRAZY WITH CURRY took me to Indian America.
First, the title. I picked this book out of the list purely on the title. Apart from being awesome, it's actually very representative of the book. Devi attempts suicide, only to be saved by her mother. As she recovers she stops talking. To replace her voice and drown out her thoughts, she starts cooking up a storm every day.
Because Devi isn't talking, we must wait and discover things with the family as the real story of what happened unfolds. But the story isn't only about Devi. There are two failing marriages, women struggling to uphold or rebel against Indian culture, people struggling to reconcile the Indian bits of themselves with the American bits.
One drawback: sometimes the head-hopping happened and you didn't know and you were left wondering why one character knew something she shouldn't. But the wonderfully written Indian-based food more than makes up for it. Don't read on an empty stomach!
The rules:
Answer this: If you couldn't talk (or write), what hobby would you take up to express yourself?
Comment before next Wednesday May 4th 11.59 pm EST
You must be a follower to win. (Remember next week is the first of the month and open to everyone.)
Good luck!
(PS, Remember how I'm supposed to be staying away from Amazon? Well somehow I ended up in the free Kindle books. They're free, so I'm not technically breaking the ban? Thank God they're free. I have 52 new books on my Kindle! I'm going to be reading classics for the next decade!)
I would take up photography! I'd take pictures of things around me.. and edit them depending on my mood.
I'd take a macro pic of a bug when I feel self possessed.. of kids jumping around and playing in the mud to show the world that i feel young at heart.. I'd take pictures of me with my family because I love them! and pictures of flower and mountains and breathtaking landscapes for my friends because they make up my world!
I'm not very good at cooking! kitchen disaster queen.. BUT this sounds like a really good book. Haha, I love eating!! =D
oh wow.. thanku so much =) I so want to read nick n norah.. u already have my address =)
Serving Crazy with Curry sounds fun. You're a very good reviewer!
happy moments ^^
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