The winner of last week's HERE LIES BRIDGET is...
Abby Stevens!
Congrats Abby! Email me at muchlanguage (at) gmail (dot) com.
In light of what happened here, in Japan, I'll be donating 200 yen (about $2 USD) per entrant, so please spread the word.
So, I've been reading a little differently of late. YA classics and women's fic. The first of the YA classics that I read was WHAT KATY DID.
What I didn't like:
It's an old classic. So it follows a lot of the old norms. It's a bit preachy sometimes, and there is way too much description (especially for non-visual me), and it's way slower than what we're used to.
What I did like:
It's an old classic. There's something about it that makes you kind of feel like you're curled up at a storyteller's feet. And I liked the theme: What Katy Did is a story about being responsible and grown up even when you don't want to. I'm an adult, and I sometimes feel very much like Katy.
The rules:
Because of the special circumstances, you don't need to be a follower to enter today.
This contest is open internationally.
To enter, tell me what's your fave children's classic.
You've got until Wednesday 11.59 as per usual.
Don't forget I'm donating 200 yen per entry. Spread the word.
Remnants and Revelations
6 years ago
Great to hear from you. One of my favorites is L'Engle's A Wrinkle In Time, although I have to admit it's been years since I last read it. I recently picked up a used copy, however. Looking forward to diving back in!
Nice contest idea--I'll help spread the word!
I'd enter, except I do not know any children's classic. =)
x best wishes for japan.
I do like Anne of Green Gables.
I love THE GIVER. I'm tweeting this contest to let everyone know about it. Thanks, Claire!
ill deff be spreading the word. love your efforts. my fave classic is probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One word: CHOCOLATE! :D
I loved Charlotte's Web and A Wrinkle in Time. Stay safe.
One of my favorite authors was (still is) Enid Blyton.. I loved The Faraway Tree series *nostalgic*
Another book I loved most was Heidi =] its a story of a little girl who goes to live with her grumpy grandfather.
God bless =)
People already named some of my favorites, but I'll add the Little House Series. Loved them!
Shoot. I am a dope. I did spread the word on my blog, and then I almost forgot to enter here. I've just read your latest post. My thoughts are with you. I had so many favorite classics, but I'll go for My Friend Flicka.
Everyone mentioned mine :D I LOVED the Little House series, A Wrinkle in Time, and the Narnia series :)
All of my favorite children books are written in my original language which is Slovak so you won't probably understand a word I'm going to write but I hope it doesn't matter:
Janka a Danka, Z rozpravky do rozpravky and Deti z kastiela :)
And congrats to Abby!
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